The Planning Department, Engineering Department, and Parks Department sought Surrey's Council approval for the revised Stage 1 South Campbell Heights Plan (the “Plan”).
In May 2018, the RGS amendment application was referred back to the City to consider alternate amendments to the Plan. The intent of the report is to gain support from Council to forward the revised RCS amendment and a Regional Growth Strategy (“RGS”) amendment application to the Metro Vancouver Board for consideration.
This process will resolve Surrey’s Special Study area as identified in the RGS.
In the July 26 Public Hearing, Council granted third reading to Amendment Bylaw No. 20393, authorize staff to submit a Type 3, Minor Regional Growth Strategy amendment and Regional Context Statement amendment application to the Metro Vancouver Board for approval of the Regional Growth Strategy Regional Land Use Designation amendments.
In a contentious vote, Metro Vancouver's 40 directors, with weighted votes, on October 29, 2021, approved by a 134-82 margin Surrey's request to redesignate South Campbell Heights land for employment purposes. The vote was important because it paves the way for rural land in Surrey, near Langley, to be able to be used for industrial purposes.
On January 28, the Board passed a resolution to “… refer the report titled, ‘Regional Growth Strategy Amendment Bylaw No. 1328 – South Campbell Heights, City of Surrey’, dated January 17, 2022, back to staff to discuss concerns that have been raised by Board members with City of Surrey staff.” The concerns were:
Environment and Ecosystem Protection;
Drainage and Aquifer Protection;
The Need for more Consultations with First Nations and Stakeholders;
Water/Sewerage Infrastructure;
Transportation Issues; and
The “Mixed Employment” Designation Attracting Big Box Retailers.
The City of Surrey responded to these concerns in a February 10, 2022 Report to Council, and they are asking the Metro Vancouver Board to reconsider their motion at their upcoming February 25 meeting. With regard to the first area of concern, Surrey notes that one-third of the area will be designated “Conservation and Recreation;” all of the Riparian areas will be fully protected; and only a small portion of the medium to high value tree areas are unprotected at the moment. However, protections for these areas will be incorporated in future planning and development review processes.
In a public meeting Friday afternoon, regional district board members voted 69-65 to approve the City of Surrey’s request to redesignate South Campbell Heights land uses to allow for industrial and other large-format commercial business uses. The board is comprised of mayors and city councilors from the municipal governments across the region, with today’s vote conducted as a weighted vote based on the population of each municipality.